Seattle Wedding Show
Seattle Wedding Show
Visit The Biggest Wedding Planning Event In The Pacific Northwest! For over 30 years, the Seattle Wedding Show has been helping couples plan their dream wedding. With our extensive experience in the wedding industry, we have helped countless couples plan the perfect wedding, making sure that every detail is taken care of, from the venue and music to the flowers and cake. Our success is built on our commitment to providing a wide selection of local and regional vendors, all in one place. We understand that planning a wedding can be overwhelming, so we make sure to offer everything couples need to make their big day truly special. So, if you're planning your dream wedding, come join us and be part of the magic. We can't wait to help you make your special day unforgettable.
- February 1, 2025 (10:00am - 5:00pm)
- February 2, 2025 (10:30am - 4:00pm)
Seattle Convention Center | Arch, 705 Pike Street, Seattle, Washington 98101
At the door: $30 + tax + fees. Online: $25 + tax + fees. Children 12 and under: Free.